Thursday, December 13, 2012

Earth's Highest Mountain Photographed From Space Station

Mount Everest was photographed from orbit by Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko last week, showing the peak of Earth's highest mountain.CREDIT: Malenchenko/Russian Federal Space Agency 

The world's highest mountain doesn't look quite so high from space.

Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko recently snapped a shot of Mount Everest from his perch 230 miles (370 kilometers) above Earth on the International Space Station. The photo shows the peak of Everest nestled among other crags in the Himalayas, with snow lightly dusting the tops.

Such a famous mountain, one of the world's most iconic climbing goals, is an often-sought photographic target for astronauts in orbit. But it's harder than you might think to catch a good snapshot of the mountain, or any specific landmark on Earth, astronauts say, because their schedules are so packed tight, and photos of Earth locations must be timed carefully.


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